For those of you who have used this stitch before will

 know how EASY and VERSATILE this stitch can be.

When working Lazy Daisy Stitch in ribbon it is

known as Detached Chain. Firstly the Lazy Daisy in 

Thread: The length of the petal is determined by the 

distance the needle is taken through.

Loop the thread around the needle and pull it through.

You now have a link, forming your first petal.

Take the needle through to the back, just below the loop. 

This anchors the petal down. For the next step come back

 up close to the first and repeat. Loop the thread around

 the needle and pull it through. Continue in this manner

 till you have a full circle and completed flower.

The thread is brought through from the back of the

 material and re-inserted as close to this point as possible

 ( Without catching the needle through the thread ).  

Detached Chain in Silk Ribbon 

Detached Chain Stitch is done in much the same way.

It is best if you only use between 2 and 4 mm ribbons in this stitch.

The wider ones are not suitable to shape the petals, unless you require

a full flower where the petals are prominent.

The material may be held in an Embroidery Hoop or free in the hand.

If using a hoop the stitching will be in stabbing up and down manner.

It is too difficult to take the needle across. Your fingers will soon testify to this.

When using the ribbon I personally prefer the ribbon to be flattened

 out and smooth.

This gives a fuller petal. Whereas if you leave it with a twist that is 

what you get in the petal. Take your finger into the loop before pulling 

it through and straighten out the ribbon. Take it a little slower than if 

you were working with thread, and you will have more control 

over the shaping of the petal.

Lazy Daisy Corsage

This is a great project for a beginner with 1 very simple

 stitch to complete the flowers. (as you can see from the

 photo above, the flower will take on a denser petal.

(Take the time to flatten out the ribbon with each stitch). 

Stitches Used

Stem Stitch, Lazy Daisy Stitch, Detached Chain Stitch.

Equipment needed:  15 cm Embroidery Hoop 

Chenille Needle -No 20

Crewel Needle – No 8

Ribbons : Variegated 3.5 - 4  mm. Ribbon for Daisy

Green 3.5 - 4  mm. Green for Lazy Daisy Leaf

Ribbon for bow 

Cottons: Green embroidery thread for stems and fern.


Transfer design onto material of choice with water erasable

 pen. This can be done using a light box or placing 

the pattern and material up to a window. Allow enough 

material to be able to insert in the  embroidery hoop.

 Cut a piece of wadding larger than your hoop

 and tack this onto the embroidery area. This is needed

 to stitch the ends of ribbon down and also helps

 while embroidering. It is best that you get into a routine

 of stitching the ribbon down at the start and finish 

immediately, if not it is too easy to snag while you 

are working and all your good work can be wasted.

Using only 1 strand of the green thread embroider the

 stems and fern in stem stitch. Also lazy daisy stitch

 for the leaves of the ferns.

It is important when cutting the ribbon, do not leave 

the lengths any longer than 30 cm. I prefer to cut

 between 22 – 25 cm. Any longer and the ribbon will 

fray towards the end. With the variegated Ribbon work

 the n3 daisies in Detached Chain Stitch

 ( Name given to lazy daisy stitch in ribbon embroidery ). 

Add the beads to the centre of the flowers using the bead needle

 and matching  thread. Also using this ribbon work the buds

 in detached chain stitch.

Use green ribbon to do the leaves. A ( Y ) stitch in cotton is placed

 under the daisy bud and then a stem stitch following through the stem. 

Finish off by taking the ribbon through from the front and back 

out again and tying in a bow.

 Full length of this 8.5 cms.  Width is 5 cms.



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