FREE DESIGN - PROJECT SRE Potpourri Pillows 5 Petal Flower



 Ribbons – 7 mm. Pink and Mauve for Five Petal Flower.

7 mm. Fawn for Fern,

7 mm. Green for Leaves and Calyx.

4 mm. Lilac for small Daisy

Threads- Fawn for Fern Stem. Pink for Bud Tip.

      Tan for Lazy Daisy Leaves of Daisy.

               Beads - 5 Pearls for Centre of Flowers , 1 Lilac for Daisy.

Five Petal Flower: Transfer and prepare as instructed for Pansy.

It is best to complete the Five Petal Flowers First.  

Using the diagram in this post.

Embroidery Instructions:

1. Cut the ribbon into 16 cm. Lengths ( 3 – Pink + 2 – Mauve ). 

 Pin or mark into 6 even spaces. With matching cotton thread 

knotted at the end make small tacking stitches as shown,

 the thread must finish on the front and then loop over the ribbon

bringing it through from the back and continue tacking.

It is important that the cotton loops over, as this is what pulls

the ribbon up to shape the petals. Repeat until there are 5 boxes

of tacking. Pull up to form the petal, stitch the last petal firmly so

as it will not come loose again. Then after shaping it into a flower,

stitch the ends together. Leave cotton attached to sew it on to

fabric later. Make 5 in this manner.

2.  With Fawn Thread ( 2 Strands) do Stem Stitch for Fern Stem and

Leaves are in Detached Chain in Fawn Ribbon.

3. Small Daisy in Lilac Ribbon 4 mm.

( Working a clockwise direction)  and half daisy are next. 

4. With Pink 7 mm Ribbon make Detached Chain Buds,

2 Calyx in Green 7 mm. 

Ribbon and small Straight Stitches in Pink Thread at the tip. 

The Leaves of the Small Daisy are in Bone Cotton ( 1 Strand)

in Lazy Daisy Stitch.

5. At this stage place your Completed Five Petal Flowers in 

position one at a time.  With a dressmakers awl or similar

 sharp object make a small hole where the centre of the

 flower will be and push the ribbon ends through. 

Stitch the ends down at the back of the work, then sew

 in the bead for the centre. Repeat with remaining flowers.

6. Finish any remaining leaves and sew small lilac bead in the

 centre of the daisy. 

Pillows: Top Pillow Embroidered

Cut Material 2 - 12 x 12 cm Square. plus

a pelon piece for backing and securing threads.

Place in small hoop to stitch flowers in place 

and complete other stitches. 

 After completing Ribbon Embroidery, overlock and machine

 stitch to area of  10 x 10 cm. Leave an opening on one side

 to insert the filling.

(I think it is best if you only include potpourri in the two larger bags, 

just in case it stains the embroidery.

Using small slip stitches in matching thread close the bag. 

Second Pillow: Cut 2- 15 x 15 cm Pieces Finished size 12 x 12 cm.

Third Pillow: Cut 2 -16 x 16 cm Finished Size 14 x 14 cm.

Finish off by stacking the 3 Pillows and tying with Organza Ribbon.

Check out your fabric stash and you may find many leftover remnants

  that would work well for these pillows. Think personal gifts for 

Christmas or Birthdays etc. This design could also be added

 to a Wedding Cushion  or shaped to fit a Wedding Garter.   


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