Lavender in Silk Ribbon - Spanish


Here is another Lavender Variety, created by using

 simple Ribbon Stitches and French Knots.

Spanish Lavender -For the three flowers:

1 metre of each Cascade House

Silken Ribbon 4990 and 5300

30 cm. Green Silken Ribbon 7560

30 cm. of   7 mm Mauve

If this is not available Variegated Dyed Ribbon is perfect

 a it changes colours as you work.

1:   Mark out a simple outline for the stems and flower body.

Chain Stitch using 3 strands DMC 647 Embroidery Thread

 for the stem and then I have wrapped it with another

3 strands. This gives it a slightly rounded and raised appearance.

2:    Fill the ovals with French Knots starting with the

 paler Silken Ribbon scattered randomly and then add a

 few more in the deeper Lavender Colour.

I try not to pull these as tight, so they will sit above

 the others to create a layer effect.

 3:   After completing the 3 Flower Heads add some larger 

Wings at the tip with  7 mm. Mauve.

These can be varied from 1 - 3 Ribbon Stitches some flat 

with others twisted to add to the appearance.

4:   Lastly add long narrow leaves to the lower ends of the stem.

As with the earlier Lavender Tutorial add this to small gifts, 

just adorable as a decoration to a pouch filled with Dried Lavender.

Great Idea for a  Mothers Day gift and more personal 

as your own creation. 


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