FIVE PETAL FLOWER Gathered Ribbon Flower
A very simple flower to add to your list of achievements.
Put simply the petals are formed by making small tacking stitches
on the ribbon in a box pattern and gathered up to form a circle,
with a bead or French knot centre.
1. Cut off a length of ribbon ( eg 7 mm. approx. 15 cm. )
The length of ribbon will be determined by the ribbon width and
fullness you wish to have in the petal.
2. Mark out the ribbon into 5 equal areas. I then mark with
small dots with an erasable pen.
Illustration below is Green thread to distinguish in photo.
3. With matching sewing thread, begin at one end of the ribbon,
by overstitching the thread. This prevents the thread from
pulling straight through when you are gathering up the flower.
4. Stitch as per this photo. Most important the thread has to loop
over the ribbon on the same edge you start your tacking.
If you miss 1 of these it will not gather up.
Step 5. When all stitching is done, gently pull the thread, sliding
the ribbon along the thread. Arrange the petals out flat,
you may have to untwist some. Must be 5 petals.
Make a few firm stitches in the last petal to stop it unravelling.
Step 6. Stitch both ribbon ends together. The flower then can be
stitched down to your fabric or make a opening in the fabric
and push the tails through ( this being the neater option).
Step 7. Make small stitches to hold it down and then place a bead or
French Knots in the centre. A variation - Small flower made with
10 mm Cascade House Bias Silk Ribbon.
When Stitching I have allowed the coloured edge to be on the
outside petals as per illustration above. Resulting in a petite
cream flower with a darker pink on the edge of the Petals.
Master this stitch use in the Potpourri Pillow - Free Design
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