Free Design and Pattern - Sewing Set
Sewing Set Stitches Used: Lazy Daisy, French Knots, Ribbon Stitch, Detached Chain, Whipped Chain Stitch. Materials: Equipment – Embroidery Hoops 100 and 150 mm. Chenille - Size 22 and 20 Crewel - Size 8 Beading Needle. Pelon, Wadding, Sewing Thread. Cream Damask, Backing Fabric, Felt, Plastic Insert. Ribbons: Mauve 7 mm. For Large Flower 3 mts. 4 mm. Teal for flowers and vine, 2 mts. Gold 4 mm. For Fern, Burgundy 4 mm. For small daisy. 1mt of each - These are just a guide. Threads: Teal – Lazy Daisy Leaves and Vine plus Pincushion wrap. Teal and Gold thread also combined for French Knots in Large Daisy. Gold for Fern, Metallic Gold thread for Needle. Beads: Yellow Glass Beads for Teal Flowers, Bronze for Small Daisies. Buttons: 3 – Self Covering Buttons for Pincushion...