Petite Ribbon Rose

Twirled Ribbon Rose. Suitable for 2 mm. or 4 mm. Pure Silk Ribbon You may wish to use other ribbon other than Pure Silk put personally, I do not believe that you will get it to curl and shape as it should. 1: Take your Ribbon through to the front in the position you wish your Rose to be placed. ( Easier if the Silk Ribbon has been pre ironed) Stitch the tail of the ribbon in place at the back of your fabric with matching thread. Leave this thread attached as you will be using it to hold the completed rose in place. Hold the ribbon away from the fabric and twist in an anti clockwise direction until the ribbon is tightly twisting and starting to buckle. Note: the tighter the twist the small and closer the curls in the finished rose. Avoid executing this with too much length in the ribbon the silk - 2 ros...